Today and even a long time ago, hand tattoos can be considered to be the most popular tattoos ever worn by thousands of individuals all over the world. In fact, there were some ancient civilizations that used these tattoos in showing their social strata in the place where they lived. There were even tribes in the entire world that used tattoos on hand as a sign for a higher position in the tribal groups.
From being a silent declaration of a person’s attitude to becoming a style statement, tattoos have come a long way in its journey spanning a period of many centuries now.
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Basically, tattoos are meant to grab attention and this is what they do well enough if they are placed in a prominent position on the body of the bearer, whether man or woman. This is what makes hand tattoos one of the most famous options for the rebellious lot, who want to be very open and expressive about their attitude. What makes hands an ideal placement for flaunting tattoos is the fact that tattoos can be as prominent on the location as they are easy to hide. While the bearer can get a good deal of compliments for the attractive tattoos on hand he or she is sporting, they can also conceal such tattoos easily when the same is required for professional purposes.
The tattoos on the hand which are inked on the inner side are particularly easier to conceal. One more notable thing about tattoos on hand is that it is painful to have them inked. Therefore, only the bold and the very committed should venture into the sphere of tattoos on hand.
The Significance of Tattoos on Hand
Just like any other kinds of tattoos in the body, tattoos on hand have their own meaning, and such meaning is the reason why a lot of people are going for these tattoos. The truth is, the meaning of every tattoo on the hand that a person has will sometimes, depend on the exact hand location. But generally speaking, this is the reflection of a person’s rebelliousness. It is simply because hands are important parts of the body that are used in doing something. Hence, since you are messing your hands with inks, then maybe, you are that rebellious. Such tattoo is always associated with courage and boldness.
A tattoo on hand is not just all about coping with the latest trend or showing your strong and gorgeous fashion sense. A lot of men and women out there wear these tattoos in order to say something. Since they do not have the courage to say such thing vocally, they are using tattoos on hand as their own best way. If these tattoos are specifically placed on the palm, these tattoos simply signify luck and permanent protection. The truth is, left and right-hand tattoos have different meanings from each other. The right hand exudes assertiveness and some more positive things, while the left hand exudes passiveness and negativities like emotions.[/su_expand]
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If thousands of people are enjoying the amazing advantages from getting tattooed on their neck, thigh, foot, hips, and ankle, then there is no way you cannot also enjoy a number of advantages from your simple hand tattoos. Here are some of these tattoos advantages:
- Tattoos on hand for men and women have wider coverage. This is certainly a great advantage you can enjoy. Since these tattoos have wider coverage, you can surely engrave the design that you like no matter how big the tattoo design would be. You can even showcase a great storyline if you want to.
- You will become easily noticeable within the crowd. This is the advantage that you can never deny since it is already proven by millions of people in the world who have tattoos on hand. This will make you stand out among the rests.
- You will be very attractive in the eyes of opposite sexes. For some unexplainable reasons, people who have tattoos like these tattoos appear very sexy and hot in the opposite sexes.
If there are expected advantages, then you should also prepare for several disadvantages that you may encounter along the way. These disadvantages may test you as a person, so make sure to be tough. Here are some of them.
- Tattoos on the hand for men and women are hard to hide. This is a total disadvantage on your part, especially if you are living in a certain place where tattoos are considered to be symbols of demons.
- Some people may treat you like a criminal. It is one unfortunate fact that you should be ready to face when you have tattoos on hand and some other body tattoos. Always keep in mind that not all people today are open for tattoos.
- Tattoos on hand are normally painful. Why is it so? Well, it is simply because hands are nearer to your bones and they only have thinner muscles compared to some other parts of your body, especially on your fingers. Hence, you should be ready for the intense pain that you can feel when tattooed on your hands.
Small Hand Tattoos Ideas
Since tattoos on hand can be very prominent, their design needs to be chosen with care as the tattoos design says a lot about the attitude of the bearer. They can come in a variety of sizes as tiny thumb and finger tattoos fall into the category of hand designs and so do the large sleeve tattoos too. Men and women prefer to have bright and vibrant designs for these tattoos because they want to express their rebellious attitude through these tattoos. Bright colors, strong strokes, and vivid patterns are the basic attributes of tattooed hand designs for men and women. Here are some of the most commonly used designs of tattoos on hand:[su_expand more_text=”show more” height=”150″]
- Gang Symbol – They have always been a preferred choice for marking the members of a gang and people who join a gang gets a tattoo design related to that particular gang, inked on their hand as a joining ritual. Spiderweb, skull, flower, and anchor are some of the designs used by gangs.
- Flower tattoos on hand – Flowers make another formidable choice to create attractive tattoo on hand as they are eternal symbols of love, purity, and beauty. Women, in particular, have an affinity towards floral designs. Moreover, these patterns are versatile as there is a good choice in terms of colors as well as a variety of flowers which can be chosen to create a unique design on the hand of the bearer. Each flower has a different symbolic meaning too and the bearer can choose the one closest to what they want to signify. Flower tattoos can be combined with other elements like butterflies, bees, thorns, leaves, hearts, etc, to add to their aesthetic value as well as symbolic significance.
- Tribal tattoos on hand – Tribal designs such as Samoan tattoos have been eternal favorites as far as tattoo art is concerned. These designs are cool looking, mostly in black color and having vivid strong lines, which make them bold, visible and attractive. Tattoo bearers love to flaunt the attractive tribal designs while artists too find them too enticing to experiment with such designs.
- Superhero Designs – Young men and women love to have superhero tattoos inked on their hands as these tattoos represent heroism and brave-hearted spirit. This is why you would spot many a youngster with a Batman, Spiderman, Hulk or Superman embossed on the back of his hand.
- Name and Text tattoos on hand – One of the most popular options is text-based tattoos, which may include the name, quotation or initials of the bearer or that of a loved one he or she wants to be a part of them forever and ever. The bearer can also have an important date inked on the hand, in order to commemorate a special day in their life such as their birthday, wedding date or birth date of a loved one. In some cultures, people even commemorate the date of death of a deceased loved one by having it inked as a tattoo on their hand or some other part of the body. Some people also use religious verses or text on hand, which declare their love and devotion to their religion. Religious symbols like the Holy Cross can be added to such tattoos.
- Finger Ring Tattoos – Finger and thumb tattoos can also be defined on the hand. While small symbols like birds, butterflies or initials can be etched on the fingers, ornamental ring tattoos make a great choice for discerning tattoo lovers. These ring tattoos make a good replacement for expensive wedding or engagement rings and the best thing is that you are never going to lose them or part with them.
- Arabic Tattoos – Arabic designs on hand are different from the conventional tattoos as they are created with a natural dye called henna and are temporary in nature. For centuries, they have been used to deck up the hands of women on special occasions such as weddings and birth of children in the family.
In addition to the aforementioned hand designs, the bearer, as well as the artist, can also experiment with additional elements to create something new and amazing. They can use elements of nature like stars, sun and moon, celebrity portraits, cute bows and other things, depending on what they want to express through the tattoo design.[/su_expand]
Recommended Next: Take a look at our big guide to arm tattoos.
Famous Personalities
A lot of famous personalities in the world are also embracing the beauty of tattoo design for the hand. In fact, they are more than happy to display these tattoos of them. Here are some of the famous names:
- Rihanna – This Barbadian gorgeous singer-songwriter has a tribal tattoo on hand that matches to the tribal tattoo of her ex-boyfriend, Chris Brown.
- Justine Bieber – This very young and hot international singer makes girls go crazy because of his numerous body tattoos, including his “Believe” tattoo on hand. It’s specifically located on his left arm nearer to his elbow.
- David Beckham – This super hot football star has this text on hand that goes, “Dream big, be unrealistic”. Jay-Z said this in his own concert, and David finds it very inspiring.
- Liam Payne – He is one of the members of the famous boy band group, One Direction. What makes him very interesting is his lion tattoo on his left hand.
- Cara Delevingne – She is a 23-year-old fashion supermodel, who also happens to be a Hollywood actress, has her lion tattoo. It is specifically located on her index finger.
- Others – Jesse James, Britney Spears, Indian Larry and Dave Navarro are some of the global celebrities who have been spotted with tattoos on hand and have in a way given a new boost to their popularity by advocating them in the public.
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Getting a tattoo on hand is a big decision because they involve much pain and are more susceptible to infection because hands are used for everyday activities. Therefore, such tattoos need extra care and attention but the end results are remarkably beautiful and worth all the efforts.
Hand tattoos for men and women are definitely gorgeous adornments on the body. You just have to find the best design that will surely fit your physical appearance as well as your inner self.
Common and Uncommon Tattoo Designs Engraved on Hands
For sure, you are completely aware that tattoos on the hand for men and women are available in a number of designs. Because of this, there is no way you cannot find the finest tattoo on hand that you might want to engrave on your beautiful hands. Here are some common and uncommon tattoo designs, which are engraved to the people’s hands in the world:
- Tribal Design – In case you don’t know, tribal designs became the most-preferred one not only for tattoo on hand for men and women but also in some other kinds of tattoos in the body. This is for one ultimate reason, which is the fact that a tribal design is extremely attractive that people will surely notice you.
- Gang Symbol Design – Not only today, a lot of gangs or organizations in the world are also using tattoos even before, and the usual tattoos they use are the tattoos on the hands. It is their own way of determining that a certain person is one of the gang’s members. Some common gang symbols being tattooed on hands are anchor, skull, and spider web.
- Floral Design – This is one of the most common design people can choose to be engraved on their hands. A flower signifies beauty, purity, and love, which is why a lot of women in the world prefer having it. Even so, this does not mean that it is no longer great for men. It is actually since such design is extremely flexible and can be incorporated into some other smaller sub designs in order to look manly.
- Finger Rings Design – Thumb or finger tattoo is one of its kinds. Animals, flowers and some other common designs can also be engraved on the fingers. However, in order to look great and unique, some people choose ornamental ring tattoo design. A lot of lovers or couples worldwide are having such design. In fact, some of them have it as their engagement ring, instead of those expensive rings made from various precious stones.