The sun is regarded as the most vital element of the solar system. In fact, it comes across as the basis of all life on the earth, because it provides both heat and light, which are essential for sustaining life on the planet. Since the ancient times, the sun has been revered all over the universe, as the giver of life and energy. Perhaps, this is the reason why this powerful celestial force occupies an important place in religion, culture, tradition and also in tattoo art, where sun tattoo has become one of the most sought after tattoo designs.
If you want to be out of the ordinary tattoos like the flower tattoos and animal tattoos, then these tattoos are definitely perfect for you. Sun is one of those heavenly bodies that are used as beautiful subjects for tattooing. In fact, the number of people who are having these tattoos engraved on their body is rapidly increasing every single day. Aside from the fact that these tattoos can make your physical appearance extremely gorgeous, these can also make you an intriguing kind of a person since these tattoos are packed with a number of meanings. The sun is a very important thing in the lives of human beings. This is one reason why a lot of people are acknowledging its existence through tattooing it on their body.
Sun Tattoos Meanings
Sun is recognized as the supreme power in nature, on which the existence of the whole universe depends. The mystical sun design has a great symbolic value and is popular among men and women alike. Though every person interprets a tattoo design in his own way and wants it to make it signify his belief or attitude, there are some special symbolic meanings attached.
- Civilizations and Sun – Different civilizations around the world had different views and beliefs about the sun, which they used abundantly as a design element in their artwork. The Sumerians worshipped Utu as the sun god from 3000 BC, while Sun was revered as Shamash in the Akkadian culture and Ra in the ancient Egyptian culture. The Greeks revered Apollo as the Sun God. Various evidences around the sun point its place of significance, both in the scientific and religious sense, since the ancient times. Southern Egypt is the home to the oldest sun dial in the world, which dates back to 6000 years ago.
- Human Savior – From the beginning of times, sun is known as the supported of life on the earth as it gives energy in the form of heat and light to the human race. In fact, it generates life strength and energy in all the living things on the planet and nothing is possible on the earth without the same.
- Fertility and vitality – Another symbolic meaning of the sun relates it to fertility and vitality, because it is the sun which helps in creation of the new lives and rebirth.
- Symbol of truth – The sun is also regarded as the symbol of truth and endurance, which stands at its place and does its work with untiring patience and commitment. The sun gives us faith that it will always stand by the earth and fulfill the needs of the human race living here.
- Protector of life – The Native American culture professes the role of the sun as the protector of life on the earth. It is revered as the guardian of the daylight and as long as the sun is there, nothing can destroy life on the earth.
- Courage, bravery and wisdom – There are some other general beliefs associated with the sun which are prevalent in various cultures of the world. The sun stands for courage, bravery and wisdom. It brings good luck and hope and transmits a new energy in the human beings every day. Another myth about the sun is that when the earth will come to an end, there will be a final sunset on its last day.
In this way, sun is linked with a wide array of meanings and the basic sun design can be incorporated with various design elements to give an altogether new and different meaning to the sun design. Therefore, the sun art is looked at in a different light depending upon its basic design and the elements included in it. Check our collections of Biomechanical tattoos, 3D Tattoos, Henna tattoos for creative ideas.
Famous People
It cannot be denied that there are a lot of famous people in the world these days who are wearing very beautiful tattoos on their body. Some of these gorgeous pieces of body art are the sun tattoos. Yes, you read it right. If you want to know those famous people who love sun art like you, then here are some of their names:
- Shannon Harris – Shannon Harris is a 24-year-old YouTube star from the beautiful country of New Zealand. Yes, she became extremely famous in the world through her YouTube channels that have something to do with make-up. Shannon looks very gorgeous with her sun art on her right finger. The sun is accompanied with the images of a planet and the moon.
- Scarlett Johansson – Scarlett Johansson is a very gorgeous 31-year-old American actress, singer, and model. She has a very beautiful and color sun art located on her left arm. The design is a sun that is about to set right there in front of the sea.
- Janeane Garofalo – Janeane Garofalo is a 51-year-old American movie actress, writer, liberal political activist, and stand-up comedian. Despite her older age, she still looks great with her rising sun art located on her right upper arm, which is being accompanied with a red heart tattoo.
- Marzia Bisognin – Marzia Bisognin is another very famous person in the world because of her YouTube channel. She is a 23-year-old Italian YouTuber, whom is the owner of the YouTube channel name, CutiePieMarzia. What is even more interesting about Marzia is the fact that she has a sun art located on her spinal cord area. It is actually a yin yang design that carries the shape of the sun.
- Asami Zdrenka – Asami Zdrenka is a very famous singer who is a member of the music group known as Neon Jungle. She is also a big fan of a sun art. She has it right there on her left hand that is accompanied with the crescent moon. The entire design is very simple though.
Different Beautiful Designs
Just like the other tattoos that you have known, the sun art is also available in a number of designs that you will surely love. Well actually, you can be the master of your own design by incorporating your tattoo ideas with the ideas of your hired professional tattoo artist. But if you want to know some of the common yet gorgeous designs, then here are some of them that you can take into account:
- Rising Sun Design – The rising sun design is alternatively being done as the Japanese sun art. It is simply because the rising sun has something to do with the Japanese culture. According to the Japanese people, the rising sun is a great symbol of masculinity, which is one reason why a number of men tattoo lovers are choosing this design. For some other people, this design simply implies new beginning or new life to someone who has recently experienced a great danger in his or her life.
- Floral Sun Design – Who would also forget the very beautiful floral sun design? This is made extremely more gorgeous because of the flowers that are being added to the image of the sun. Name any flowers you want, and you can surely incorporate it to your sun art tattoo. You can choose a sunflower, lotus, or a rose. The flowers will give feminine aura to the tattoo, which is why it is perfect for those women tattoo lovers out there.
- Tribal Sun Design – If it is very unique and gorgeous art that you are looking for, then you should go for the tribal sun design. The tribal design is known to be the most favorite tattoo design of many people in the world, and even those professional tattoo artists. It is despite the fact that engraving such design on your body may be a challenge to the tattoo artists. This design would be a very eye catching one, and it will definitely look elegant on the wearer’s body. Good example for this is the sun art of the Mayans. In this particular tribal sun art, the image of the sun is being incorporated with beautiful simple patterns as well as very detailed patterns.
- Moon and Sun Design – The moon and the sun are both heavenly bodies, so there is no way they will not look great together. However, even if they are both heavenly bodies, they are known to be the exact opposites to each other. It is simply because the sun can be seen during daytime, while the moon can be seen during nighttime. Such design may actually have different meanings, depending on how it is being drawn and what are the sub designs being added to it. These two heavenly bodies are known to represent the men and the women. Such design will generally mean cooperation and unity even in the most odd times.
- Sun Fish Tattoo Design – You might be wondering how on earth the sun and the fish became good to be together. Well, only with the sun art. Needless to say, this design would involve an image of the sun and an image of an ocean fish. Even so, don’t you know that there is actually a sun fish? Yes, it is a fish that has a round shape like the sun, making it to be a perfect subject for your sun art tattoos. Such kind of fish is known to be representing the Mola witch.
- Cloud and Sun Design – Aside from the moon, the cloud can also be beautifully incorporated to the sun when it comes to tattooing. This particular design is known to be exuding with a considerable amount of elegance. This is one reason why it is chosen by a lot of tattoo lovers worldwide who would want to have an elegant tattoo design. Such design is very significant in the ancient Japanese culture. Ancient Japanese people strongly believed that the cloud and sun art is extremely meaningful.
Popular Tattoo Designs For Sun Art
With so many reasons for the sun being the most important heavenly body in the solar system, it is but obvious that this is one of the most loved tattoo designs too. At the same time, this tattoo design is simple and easy to make and looks great too, which also accounts for its popularity. Here are some common designs:
- Tribal Tattoos – Tribal tattoo designs remain an eternal favorite among the designers as well as tattoo lovers around the world, because of their sheer eye catching looks and powerful impact. Many of the tribal designs feature the sun with a man’s face clearly visible inside it. The Mayans designed sun arts to show their strength and power while the Navajo tribe used it as a symbol of creation. In Aztec tribal designs, the tattoo come in various patterns, from simple ones to the more detailed styles and patterns. Taino sun represent the sun as a fiery ball, which is surrounded by hot and fierce rays. The sun and moon have been compared to Yin and Yang, which are the two opposite and emotional sides of every human being.
- Solar Wheel Design – Some designs depict the sun as a solar wheel, which look quite different from the typical ones. Others can show the sun as a simple dot with a circle drawn around it, while others can show a cross along with the basic sun design. Such designs have a huge fan following in the Middle Eastern countries.
- Floral Tattoo Design – Flowers such as lotus, rose and sunflower can be incorporated in the sun designs to give them a beautiful and feminine look. This will create an absolutely brilliant effect for the tattoo. Dragon, phoenix, fish, lion, wolf, elephant, dragon, celestial objects stars, moon, birds and many other elements such as dreamcatchers, feathers, anchors, arrows, compass, geometric, musical symbols, heart, infinity, trees, angels, wings can also be used to enhance the sun art tattoo designs.
Like all other tattoo designs, the placement is determined by its size and design. Typically, larger and more detailed tattoos look good on the areas like the stomach, rib, shoulder, thigh, lower back, spine, chest, legs and hip while the smaller ones can be done on the sleeves, ankles, wrists, back of the ear, neck even as finger tattoos.
Though sun tattoos are already a popular tattoo design, their popularity has reached new heights in the recent times, after they have been carries around by some big international celebrities. The list includes the likes of Orlando Bloom, Anastacia, Godsmack, Henry Rollins and Corey Taylor. You might want to check our collection of Mother & Daughter tattoos, Best Friend tattoos, Sister tattoos, White Ink tattoos.
Placements Guide
Some of the common body placements;
- Tattoos on Wrists – It is all up to you whether you want your sun art tattoo to be put on your left or right wrist. Just think of the main purpose of wearing such tattoo.
- Tattoos on Arms – Arms will also be the best placements for the tattoo. People will surely notice it when it is put there. Just make sure you engrave it on the right portion of your arms.
- Tattoos on Rib – There are a lot of people who prefer placing it on their rib. Some say that it helps them a lot to look gorgeous to the opposite sexes when they place the tattoo on their rib.
- Tattoos on Back – If you want your tattoo to be not that visible to the eyes of the other people, then putting it on your back would be great for sure.
- Tattoos on Legs – Legs are also perfect locations. Legs are normally longer, so the particular illusion that you want to show with your tattoo can surely be achieved.
- Tattoos on Stomach – Another perfect placement for this tattoo is stomach. This is a common option of many women tattoo lovers in the world who consider having sun tattoos.
- Tattoos on Thigh –If you want to have your art not that obvious to some other people, you can choose to place them on your thighs.
Final Words
The sun tattoos are undeniably extremely meaningful to have on someone’s body. There is no way they cannot look very gorgeous on you. In other words, aside from being so meaningful, these tattoos are also very beautiful in appearance. You just have to choose the best design that really fits your appearance and your unique personality as well.
The sun is the most powerful force in the universe on which all life on the planet depends as it gives heat and light. It’s all powerful nature, combines with its aesthetic beauty makes sun art tattoos one of the most sought after designs in tattoo art. There can be tribal designs and others which include element such as flowers, dragon, moon, stars and phoenix.