
Dragonhawk Tattoo Kit Review

The DragonHawk Tattoo Kit is a great value starter kit for any budding tattoo artist out there. See what makes it stand out in our review.

Dragonhawk starter tattoo kit

Although there was a time when tattooing was very much a fringe interest, it has ballooned in the last couple of decades.

In very much a similar way to the fact that having tattoos done is incredibly popular nowadays, so too is designing and creating tattoos.

It’s no longer seen as a specialist skill (well it is, but more and more people are giving it a go, is what we’re really saying). With the internet and so many companies out there catering to the give-it-a-go tattooists out there, you may be interested in starting tattooing.

In our DragonHawk Tattoo Kit review, we explain what makes this starter kit one you should be considering.

Recommended Next: Want to see the best tattoo starter kits? Check out our guide!

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The Right Tools For the Job

Obviously, every craft has special equipment that you need to use in order to carry it out properly. When it comes to tattooing, it’s no different – you need the relevant tools of the trade to create lasting tattoos either on your own body or the body of a willing victim…we mean subject.

Don’t worry, we’re not trying to shoot you down before you’ve really tried to fly. That includes lining machines (to create the stunning outlines of your artwork) and shading machines (to color in those outlines and bring them to life).

Recommended Article: Find out about numbing creams for tattoo pain relief in our next article.

As we noted at the outset, there’s a lot of companies out there catering to newbie tattooists. One is DragonHawk. Cool name, huh? That’s not all that’s cool about this company.

Veterans of the industry, and well respected, DragonHawk have used their ingenuity and experience to create some amazing tattoo machines, power supplies and various other accessories that you’ll undoubtedly learn more about as you continue your path to potential tattooing greatness.

Let’s take a closer look.

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The DragonHawk Starter Kit

Before we go any further, let’s look at exactly what you get with this kit.

  • 3 Lining Tattoo Machines
  • 3 Shading Tattoo Machines
  • Practice Skin (No point in ruining your perfect lovely skin and the work of any other tattoo artists you’ve got on your body or that of anyone else for that matter, when you can practice on practice skin. New to tattooing? Buckle up, that’s not nearly the weirdest thing you’ll ever hear uttered.)
  • Sterilized needles that are ready to use
  • Some ink (though not a lot, enough to get you started and familiar with the equipment)
  • Power Supply (Again, not the greatest…more on that a little later though)
  • A case to hold it in

We’re amazed and impressed with DragonHawk because the retail price for this kit belies what you get for your money.

There’s no contest really, it’s our favorite starter kit out of all the starter kits out there.

The ink is bad, that’s pretty much a given it seems with these starter kits because ink, the good stuff can be expensive, so companies like to cut corners where they can.

But, the payoff with that sacrifice of quality inks is all the lovely stuff we listed above.

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Recommended Reading: Check out a great alternative, the Solong Tattoo Starter Kit.

Do You Really Need 6 Tattoo Machines?

We know what a lot of you are thinking. Too many tattoo guns suggests someone is compensating for something.

You may wonder if you’re new to tattooing why there are so many machines in one set.

The main reason is that that the machines can serve different purposes, and this is especially true if you’re trying to work across a large area with just one gun that keeps running out of ink or overheating.

Well, when you start designing those complicated majestic works of art that you want to convert into a stunning arm or leg piece, you need more than just one or two guns.

Can you imagine the frustration of having to switch out the ink in your single shading and single lining guns? Just to need them switched again.

By having several different tattoo machines at the ready with the appropriate colored ink in each, you can just switch between your machines and make art happen in a way that doesn’t disturb the whole process repeatedly.

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What We Love

If we’ve not stated it enough, we really love the fact that this pack is just, well jam-packed with equipment and accessories. It’s not even the most expensive on the market but feels like it should be. The machines are high quality and made from cast iron to provide great magnetic and electrical conductivity.

We also like the practice skin. We like that because we don’t want to get hundreds of emails telling us how such and such’s boyfriend ruined her face because he attempted to tattoo a set of wolverine sideburns beside her ears.

Practice skin is essential, though when that runs out, try vegetable or fruit skins too.

What We Don’t Like

The downsides of this set are not too bad, in all honesty. The inks may be vegan-friendly, but they’re not very art-friendly.

However, as you improve and as they run out, just treat yourself to some new sets and you’re good to go.

The power supply is not the best either, but then really what were we expecting for such a low price? Can’t have everything.

Recommended: Don’t miss our ultimate guide on tattoo machines.

The Bottom Line

Really, you need to look at this as an investment, if you’re just starting out in your experimentation with ink, needles, and art.

It’s not the best set in the world, but it’s a good starting point.

The power supply won’t last very long, but there are some great ones out there. So, once you’re more familiar with the feel of the machines and can draw straight lines and (deliberate) squiggly lines, invest in the bits you need.

For now, enjoy the joy of tattooing random pieces of pretend skin and honing those skills. We hope this DragonHawk Tattoo Gun review proves useful.

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