
70+ Dahlia Piercing Ideas, Procedure, Healing, Pain, Cost, Care

When talking about unique adornments on a person’s body, dahlia piercing is certainly one that is worth considering. It is considered to be one type of lip piercing, but it is actually not done right there on a person’s lips. It is done on the corner of the mouth, may it be on the left or on the right side, which is right there at the very ending on the lips. It may not be that popular as the other lip piercings, but it is one of those gorgeous ones for sure. This piercing is also called by its two other names, which are “joker piercing” and “dahlia bites”. Also check our articles on most popular piercings Nose Piercings and Ear Piercings.

The Procedure

Just in case you don’t know, this piercing is very unique to the extent that a lot of professional piercers in the world do not have any experiencing about doing the procedure involved in this kind of piercing. It is certainly because there are only very few people who have this kind of lip piercing. So, the pressure now is placed on finding the finest professional piercer who is used in doing the procedure. This piercing will actually look extremely gorgeous on your part if it is done in both sides of your mouth, achieving the “Joker” look. Both of the corners of your mouth will be marked using a surgical marking pen, which will serve as a guide in creating a hole. But before doing that, the piercer should be sanitized first the exact area to avoid bacterial infections. Afterwards, perforations in both sides will be done using a sterilized, hollow piercing needle. After successfully creating holes in both sides, the jewelry of your choice will then be inserted, and the piercing procedure is done.

The Pain Associated

The truth is, the pain that you can feel in this piercing will depend on the level of pain tolerance of your body. If your body has the ability to bear the pain well, then undergoing the dahlia piercing procedure is certainly not that painful for you for sure. But if you have lower level of pain tolerance, then it is expected that you can feel higher amount of pain. After the procedure, you can also feel more pain and bleeding may even occur. Even so, there is no need to worry because this pain will surely lower down after several days.

As two piercings (both sides) are done simultaneously, the process can be painful if you have a low capacity to bear the intensity of pain. Once the piercing is done, it may hurt a lot and bleed as well. However, it should not be a matter of concern as the pain gradually decreases in a few weeks.

The Healing Process

It could take 12 to 20 weeks for the piercing to heal. For the healing process, you should have a considerable amount of patience since it will normally take time before you can say that it is already healed completely. Compared to the other body piercings, it may require longer time period. In most cases, you need to wait for 12 weeks up to 20 weeks for its complete healing process. In fact, this can be longer than the mentioned time frame if you are not responsible enough in taking good care of the pierced area.

The Aftercares Needed

Just like the other piercings done on a person’s body, joker piercing also has the aftercares that you should always put in mind in order to avoid some infections that can delay the healing process. If you really care about your health, then these aftercares should never be forgotten. Here are some of them:

  • Regularly clean the pierced area. It can help a lot in healing the wound completely in a quicker pace. You can use a cotton ball that is dipped in warm saline water, and gently wipe and press it on the area. When taking a shower, you should also wash the area and the jewelry with running water.
  • Touching the jewelry and the pierced area when it’s not necessary should be avoided. This can only worsen the condition of the wound. The bacteria present in your hands may be transferred into it causing severe infections.
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking should be avoided. These products have chemicals that are capable enough in infecting the pierced area.
  • Pat dry the pierced area. You should only use a well-cleaned towel or a new tissue paper to make sure that germs cannot attack the wound.

How Much Does Dahlia Piercing Cost?

The cost is surely one of the things that you want to know first before undergoing any piercing procedures. There is nothing wrong with that actually. It is normal for a practical individual. Well, the cost of the dahlia piercing procedure will never put a hole in your pocket. You will only spend around $70 or higher than that, depending on the professional piercer you choose. Just make sure that you will get the value of every single penny that you have spent.

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Final Words

Without a doubt, wearing a dahlia piercing is a unique thing that will make you stand out amongst the crowd. However, considering a lot of things before giving it a try must be your first agenda so that regrets can be avoided on the later part.

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